Missouri Synod
Sunday School:
Zion Lutheran Sunday School will begin on Sunday, September 10.
Wednesday school and confirmation will begin on Wednesday, September 13 from 3:45 - 5:15 PM.
Changes in our 100th Anniversary Service (6/11/23):
9:30 AM- Divine Service with Holy Communion--- Guest preacher will be Rev. Dennis O’Neill
3:00 PM- Anniversary Service- Guest Preacher will be Rev. Leo Deitemeyer
Here at Zion Lutheran we believe, teach, and confess what is revealed to us in the Holy Bible. God gave us the Bible to make us "wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus." (2 Timothy 3:15) Since "faith comes by hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ," we are determined week after week and year after year to preach the life giving message of Christ crucified (Romans 10:17).
Psalm 105:1
Divine Service: 9:30am (Holy Communion each Sunday)
Bible Class: 11:00 AM
Sunday School: 11:00 AM (September-May)